OUA Pauses University Sport
As of December 17, Ontario University Athletics (OUA) has announced a pause on all university sport, including scrimmages, exhibition games, tournaments, league competition and championships. This pause will affect the Trent Excalibur volleyball and curling teams. OUA programming will recommence no earlier than Monday, January 24, 2022.
Excalibur student-athletes will be able to resume team training and practices on January 12, 2022. All Excalibur student-athletes and coaches will be required to complete a rapid test prior to participating in any team activities or events. Head Coaches and teams will be contacted with more information about rapid testing and next steps about team activities, including practices and training.
As One Excalibur team, we will continue to navigate this ever-changing landscape together. If you have any questions, please contact varsity@trentu.ca.