Get Involved with Volunteer Opportunities

Varsity Student Trainers

We are seeking volunteer student trainers to work with our varsity teams. Kinesiology/Nursing/Biomed students with a valid CPR/First Aid certificate interested in applying should send a resume to Nicole Menard, Athlethic Therapist & Wellness Coordinator at A First Responder Certificate and taping knowledge & experience are assets.

This is a great opportunity for students looking to go into athletic therapy, physiotherapy, sports medicine, etc. This volunteer opportunity can be added to your co-curricular record.

Placement/Co-op students are also welcome to connect with Nicole regarding available opportunities.

Varsity Team Managers

We are seeking volunteer student managers to work with our varsity teams. Interested students should contact Cam Milligan, High Performance Varsity Sports Coordinator at This volunteer opportunity can be added to your co-curricular record.