Trent Excalibur Teams Return to Training and Varsity Tryout Details
Due to the difficult decisions made by the OUA regarding the cancellation of all OUA-sanctioned sport programming and championships this fall, up to December 31, 2020, we hope to see a return to a normal varsity season as soon as possible. Visit the OUA's website or FAQ for complete details. At this time, your Trent Excalibur coaches and the Trent Athletics team are working towards Return to Train protocols following all provincial and regional public health guidelines to ensure a safe return for all of our student-athletes.
The OUA remains hopeful that they can provide quality experiences for our student-athletes starting in the new year and will be closely monitoring the ongoing health considerations and viability for these future opportunities over the coming months. At this time, given the ever-evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, no decisions have been made beyond the 1st Term timeframe, but we are committed to delivering OUA competitive sport once our provincial public health authorities indicate it is safe to do so.
At Trent, the health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches and our community is paramount. At this time, Trent Athletics is ensuring that our entire Trent Excalibur community is afforded a safe and healthy environment in which to return to campus and in person varsity training within the protocols created by your Trent Excalibur coaches and the Trent Athletics team. At this time, Trent Athletics is working on plans to update student-athletes and their families on the details for 2020-21 Trent Excalibur Varsity Team Tryouts. Be sure to check back to this page regularly as we will continue to keep this information updated as new information becomes available.
We understand the disappointment you must be feeling. Please rest assured that our Trent Excalibur team remains a strong, tightly knit family and we are here (even virtually) to support each other during this unprecedented time. We are, and always will be, OneExcalibur.
Read our FAQs
A series of FAQs for students and student-athletes is now posted on the University's COVID-19 information page. Read the FAQs to learn more about the OUA announcement and what we know to date. Be sure to check back to this page regularly as our FAQs will continue to be updated as new information becomes available.
Connect with Us Anytime
The Trent Athletics team is working remotely and we are here to help. Get in touch anytime by emailing me at You can also reach Matt Melo, Athlete Development Coordinator at
As many athletes and coaches, but OneExcalibur team, we will come together to navigate this uncertain and ever-changing landscape. With our eye to the future, the Trent Excalibur will come through this even stronger, poised to continue building on our championship records and legacy of excellence.