Women's Lacrosse team members smile with their OUA Bronze Medals


Green and White Athletic Financial Awards

The Green and White Athletic Financial Awards are offered by Trent University's Department of Athletics & Recreation to entering student-athletes who have achieved an entering academic average above 80%, and have been recruited for athletics skills and abilities. Green & White Athletic Financial Awards are awarded by respective team Head Coaches. Please contact the Head Coach of your sport for more information.



Rewarding academic excellence and making transformative educational experiences finalcially accessible for all students. It's what we believe in at Trent.

Awards and Bursaries are awarded each term to students with demonstrated financial need. Students complete one application to be considered for all available bursaries and awards. For more information please visit trentu.ca/studentfinances


Scholarship: A grant or payment made to support a student's education, awarded on the basis of academic or other achievement.

Prize: Awarded by an academic department, usually based upon academic excellence or based upon the donor’s criteria.

Bursary: Funding provided by Trent University to a student with a demonstrated financial need. 

Award: Funding provided by Trent University to a student with a demonstrated financial need that includes additional merit‐based eligibility criteria such as community service, athletic involvement or academic achievement. The term ‘bursary’ may be used to describe bursaries and needs-based awards.


How to Apply

All applications are completed online through the myTrent student portal. Applications can be found on the “Finances” page.


Application Timeline

Award Type

Applications Available Online:

Application Deadline:

Entrance Bursaries

Beginning of June

July 31

Other application-based scholarships, bursaries, awards and prizes 

Beginning of Fall (September) and Winter (January) terms

End of September (fall term) and end of January (winter term)


Athletic Entrance Bursary

Athletic bursaries valued at a minimum of $500 are awarded to entering varsity athletes with a demonstrated financial need. Entrance bursary applications are available in the myTrent student portal, under the Finances page. Applications are available beginning in June of each year and the deadline to apply is July 31st.


In-Course Bursaries for Student-Athletes

Bursaries are awarded each term to students with demonstrated financial need. To demonstrate financial need, students must be in receipt of OSAP, Canada part time student loans, First Nations band funding, or the government financial aid program of their home province. Bursaries are designed to supplement funding from other sources.

Students may complete one application at the beginning of each term to be assessed for all available bursary funding. The application is available, at the beginning of each term, in the myTrent student portal.

The following In-Course Bursaries & Awards are available for student-athletes:

Sport-Specific Prizes for Student-Athletes

The following sport-specific prizes are voted on by team or awarded by coaches. Sport-specific prizes include: